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Results for "keyword: "Surprise", latest_content: 1"
Molly Fumia in Prayers for Healing An invitation to notice the good surprises.
Moments of Grace Learning to acknowledge moments of grace as gifts in your life.
Easter Surprises A suggestion for celebrating Easter through surprises.
Look for God in Spilled Soup An invitation to look for God in life's surprises.
The Marvelous Mustard Seed An allegorical tale about a mustard seed that grows into a spreading tree rather than a mere bush.
I Need a Hug A humorous and heartwarming tale about a porcupine no one wants to hug.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Six stories set in the Old West, each with a message about mortality.
Read and Riot An unconventional call to radical and creative activism.
Damsel A quirky postmodern Western about sexual politics where whiny men are dominated by a tough woman who doesn't need saving.
Morning Homilies IV The Pope's insights into Catholicism's resiliency and liberating values.